Coin [object Object] Portugal obverse
A.Monge da Silva
Coin [object Object] Portugal reverse
A.Monge da Silva

12 Vinténs - Miguel I

País Portugal
Emissor Portugal
Período -
Calendário Gregoriano
Período de emissão 1829 - 1830
Formato round
Alinhamento Desconhecido
Padrão monetário Real (mechanical coinage, 1678-1835)
Valor 240
Valor facial 240 Réis = 12 Vinténs
Fora de circulação? Sim

Informações técnicas

Tipo de item Moeda
Subtipo Moeda comum
Material Simples - Principal: Prata (.916.66)
Peso 7.34 g
Largura 29.5 mm
Altura 29.5 mm
Espessura -


In 1688 the price of the gold ant the silver rise 20%. There was no time to collect and cast the circulating coin. Therefore, by the Law 04AUG1688, the value of the silver and gold coins was also increased 20%. However, during ~150 years the coinage remains unchanged with the circulating coins having a value ~20% above the marked.
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Coin 12 Vinténs - Miguel I Portugal undefined


*200* - *1829*
Coin 12 Vinténs - Miguel I Portugal undefined






Calendário Gregoriano
Quantidade emitida 3.584
Primeira emissão 1829
Última emissão 1830
Observações In 1688 the price of the gold ant the silver rise 20%. There was no time to collect and cast the circulating coin. Therefore, by the Law 04AUG1688, the value of the silver and gold coins was also increased 20%. However, during ~150 years the coinage remains unchanged with the circulating coins having a value ~20% above the marked.
Valor médio sugerido


Calendário Gregoriano
Quantidade emitida 6.594
Primeira emissão 1829
Última emissão 1830
Valor médio sugerido

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